Taw qhia txog cov txheej txheem coated xuab zeb

Raws li ib txwm ua cov txheej txheem, coated xuab zeb txheej txheem tseem nyob hauv txoj haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv casting ntau lawm.Txawm hais tias furan core ua cov txheej txheem, cov txheej txheem txias txias thiab lwm cov txheej txheem tau txhim kho thiab siv tas li, nws cov txheej txheem tseem ceeb tseem siv dav hauv ntau yam kev lag luam casting vim nws cov dej ntws zoo heev, siab zog thiab thermal stability, nrog rau lub sijhawm cia ntev.Nws tseem nyuaj los hloov hauv qee qhov kev lag luam xws li hydraulic qhov chaw, turbine shells thiab lwm yam high-end casting industries.


Yam ntxwv:


tsim nyog lub zog ua haujlwm;zoo fluidity, cov xuab zeb pwm thiab cov xuab zeb cores tsim muaj cov contours meej thiab ntom qauv, thiab tuaj yeem tsim cov xuab zeb nyuaj;Qhov zoo ntawm cov xuab zeb pwm (core) yog qhov zoo, qhov roughness ntawm qhov chaw tuaj yeem ncav cuag Ra = 6.3 ~ 12.5μm, thiab qhov tseeb qhov tseeb tuaj yeem ncav cuag CT7 ~ CT9 qib;zoo disintegration, thiab cov castings yog yooj yim los ntxuav.


Scope ntawm daim ntawv thov


Nws tuaj yeem siv los ua ob qho tib si casting pwm thiab xuab zeb cores.Cov pwm lossis cov cores tuaj yeem siv ua ke nrog ib leeg lossis nrog lwm cov xuab zeb pwm (cores);Nws tuaj yeem siv tsis tau tsuas yog rau hlau nqus casting lossis qis-siab casting, tab sis kuj rau hlau xuab zeb casting thiab kub centrifugal casting;Nws tuaj yeem siv tsis tau tsuas yog rau kev tsim cov cam khwb cia hlau thiab cov hlau tsis muaj hlau, tab sis kuj rau kev tsim cov hlau castings.


muaj pes tsawg leeg


Feem ntau yog tsim los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv refractory, binders, curing agents, lubricants thiab tshwj xeeb additives.


(1) Cov khoom siv refractory yog cov khoom tseem ceeb ntawm nws.Cov kev cai rau cov ntaub ntawv refractory yog: siab refractoriness, tsawg volatiles, kuj puag ncig hais, khoom, thiab lwm yam. Natural scrubbed silica xuab zeb feem ntau yog siv.Cov kev cai rau cov xuab zeb silica yog: siab SiO2 cov ntsiab lus (cov hlau cam khwb cia hlau thiab cov hlau tsis muaj hlau yuav tsum tau ntau dua 90%, thiab cov hlau cam khwb cia yuav tsum tau ntau dua 97%);cov av nkos tsis ntau tshaj 0.3% (rau cov xuab zeb txhuam) - [cov av nkos ntawm cov xuab zeb ntxuav yog tsawg dua;qhov loj me me ① muab faib rau ntawm 3 mus rau 5 tus lej sib txuas;lub particle puab yog puag ncig, thiab lub kaum sab xis yuav tsum tsis txhob ntau tshaj 1.3;acid noj tus nqi yog tsis tsawg tshaj li 5ml.


(2) Phenolic resin feem ntau yog siv los ua cov ntawv khi.


(3) Hexamethylenetetramine feem ntau yog siv los ua tus neeg sawv cev kho;calcium stearate feem ntau yog siv los ua cov roj nplua nyeem, uas yog siv los tiv thaiv los ntawm agglomerating thiab nce fluidity.Lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb ntawm cov tshuaj ntxiv yog txhawm rau txhim kho kev ua haujlwm ntawm cov xuab zeb coated.


(4) Qhov piv txwv ntawm Cov Khoom Sib Piv (cov khoom seem, %) Piav qhia: Cov xuab zeb nyoos 100 Scrubbing xuab zeb, Phenolic resin 1.0-3.0 (qhov hnyav ntawm cov xuab zeb nyoos), Hexamethylenetetramine (aqueous tov 2) 10-15 (qhov hnyav ntawm cov resin), Calcium stearate 5-7 (qhov hnyav ntawm resin), Additives 0.1-0.5 (qhov hnyav ntawm cov xuab zeb nyoos).1: 2) 10-15 (qhov hnyav ntawm resin), Calcium stearate 5-7 (qhov hnyav ntawm resin), Additives 0.1-0.5 (qhov hnyav ntawm cov xuab zeb nyoos).


Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm


Cov txheej txheem kev npaj feem ntau suav nrog txheej txheej txias, txheej sov thiab txheej kub.Tam sim no, kev tsim khoom yuav luag txhua tus siv cov txheej txheem kub.Cov txheej txheem kub txheej yog kom sov cov xuab zeb nyoos mus rau qhov kub thiab txias, thiab tom qab ntawd sib tov thiab do nrog cov resin, urotropine aqueous tov thiab calcium stearate feem, thiab tom qab ntawd txias, zuaj thiab tshuaj ntsuam.Vim qhov sib txawv ntawm cov mis, cov txheej txheem sib tov sib txawv.Tam sim no, muaj ntau hom kab ntau lawm hauv Suav teb.Muaj li ntawm 2000 ~ 2300 semi-automatic ntau lawm kab nrog phau ntawv pub mis, thiab muaj ze li ntawm 50 lub khoos phis tawj tswj hwm tag nrho cov kab ntau lawm, uas ua tau zoo txhim kho kev tsim khoom thiab cov khoom ruaj khov.Piv txwv li, lub tshuab hluav taws xob pom kev tsim khoom ntawm xx Casting Co., Ltd. muaj lub sijhawm pub mis tswj qhov tseeb ntawm 0.1 thib ob, cua sov tswj qhov tseeb ntawm 1/10 ℃, thiab cov xuab zeb sib xyaw hauv lub xeev tuaj yeem pom txhua lub sijhawm los ntawm kev yees duab , nrog rau kev tsim khoom ntawm 6 tons / teev.


Qhov zoo ntawm cov txheej txheem


Fluidity zoo heev

Nws yog coated nrog cov khoom cob thiab zoo li cov xuab zeb qhuav.Fluidity zoo heev yog nws qhov txiaj ntsig loj tshaj plaws, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tsim rau cov xuab zeb nyuaj thiab me me.


Zoo heev nto zoo ntawm cov xuab zeb core

Nws yog compacted los ntawm kev txhaj tshuaj blasting, thiab qhov saum npoo ntawm cov xuab zeb core yog ntom thiab du, uas tuaj yeem txhim kho qhov ua tiav ntawm qhov casting.


Tus nqi qis ntawm plhaub core ua

Nws muaj qhov siab melting point thiab tuaj yeem siv rau lub plhaub tub ntxhais ua, nrog kev siv cov xuab zeb tsawg, tus nqi qis dua thiab zoo dua huab cua permeability.


Siab zog thiab thermal stability

siv cov thermoplastic phenolic resin, nws muaj lub zog siab thiab thermal stability, uas muab nws qhov tshwj xeeb zoo hauv daim ntawv thov ntawm qee qhov tuab thiab loj.


Lub sijhawm khaws cia ntev ntawm cov xuab zeb core

Alkaline phenolic resin siv hauv cov xuab zeb coated yog hydrophobic, cov xuab zeb core muaj cov dej noo zoo, tsis muaj qhov tshwj xeeb rau qhov chaw cia, thiab tsis muaj qhov txo qis hauv lub zog tom qab khaws cia ntev.


Kev siv dav dav

Coated xuab zeb core yog tsim rau casting txheej txheem ntawm tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv hlau.


If you want to know more about shell mold casting process, pls feel free to contact lydia@welongchina.com.

Post lub sij hawm: Jun-13-2024